Kamalani Construction Inc

San Joaquin River

Levee Construction

US Army Corps of Engineers

Tracy, California

June 2022 - October 2022, right bank, PL 84-99 Emergency Levee Repair Site 1151-21, $3.8M


The United States Army Corps of Engineers issued a design-bid-build construction contract to repair 3,800 feet of levee under seepage along the San Joaquin River, caused by flood damage in the winter of 2016-2017. Construction included the removal of the existing emergency berm
and steel tube barrier fence, and the clearing, stripping and grubbing of existing vegetation to construct a seepage berm on the landside.

Materials required for the seepage berm construction included levee fill, geotextile, filter sand, drain rock, rip rap, seeding, and aggregate surfacing. The work included the construction of an approximately 1,500-foot-long seepage berm with a chimney drain along the right bank of the San Joaquin

The existing emergency berm temporarily installed was removed. The new berm is approximately 150 feet wide, 6 feet thick at the levee toe and 4 foot thick at the toe of the berm. The chimney drain is approximately 10 feet tall above the levee toe. The seepage berm and chimney drain include a

1-foot-thick bottom layer of filter sand, 1.5 to 2 foot-thick sloping layer of drain blanket and 0.5-foot-thick second layer of filter sand overlain by fill materials. Work also included fence removal and replacement of a patrol road along the landside toe of the seepage berm.
