Kamalani Construction Inc

South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Levee Construction

Levee Construction

US Army Corps of Engineers

Alviso, California

August 2021 - January 2024 (estimated), Reaches 1-3, $130M


Situated near Alviso, California, the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Levee Construction Reaches 1-3 Project has the distinction of being part of one of the largest tidal marsh restoration projects on the west coast.

The project, being undertaken to mitigate flood risk and improve habitat, includes ~1.7 miles of levee degrade and levee construction along the San Francisco Bay Shoreline under contract to USACE. Ancillary to levee construction, the project requires temporary railroad crossing construction, several miles of temporary earthen cofferdams, over 1 mile of continuous sheet pile cofferdam, and numerous water control and pedestrian structures. Shallow groundwater, seepage, soft soils including “Bay Mud,” and environmentally sensitive habitats characterize the site.

The project requires an extensive system of pumps and cofferdams to remove surface water and groundwater from the levee footprint. Strict adherence to environmental regulations to protect the natural habitat within the project boundaries is required by the USACE and regulatory agencies. Environmental requirements address protecting Endangered Species Act- listed species and complying with stringent dewatering discharge monitoring requirements.

The $130 million project involves the import of ~75,000 CY of material for temporary earthen cofferdams and an additional ~510,000 CY of material as levee fill.
